For about 20 years, Yangchen and I have been involved with people in the Himalayas, Tibet and Burma who are blinded to cataracts. First privately, then through an association and for over ten years with the Foundation Vision Himalaya we raise money, with which the well-known ophthalmologist dr. Sanduk Ruit is supported in Kathmandu in his work for the benefit of blind people. In mobile operations camps, a medical team travels to remote regions in the Himalayas, Tibet and Burma and operates the blind people with the highest quality and uses lentils "Made in Nepal".
A share of the profits that PEMA OF TIBET AG generates in Fair Trade flows into the Vision Himalaya Foundation for the free control of eye diseases (especially the widespread cataract). Travel expenses, consumables, which are incurred for Vision Himalaya, PEMA OF TIBET AG integrates into the business expenses.